By grandiel Tuesday, November 21, 2017 smith Are not You Tired, For Keeping Anger? How much do you want to be successful in the future? Exploring a brilliant career and even surpassing many of your expectations for a living...
By grandiel 6:30 PM smith Do not Force, Because Occasionally You Will Feel Fragile Also Being a formidable and powerful person, certainly a hope of many people, may include you too. You will work hard to always be strong in faci...
By grandiel 5:00 PM smith Receiving Failure With The Right Time Experiencing failure in a field, certainly not a fun thing to feel. This can even be a very painful thing and make us slump in life, where w...
By grandiel 4:00 PM smith Desperate Or Trying, What's Your Choice? There is a saying that life is a choice, so often we find that each of us is often met with two choices of IYA or NO, FALSE or RIGHT, WIN or...
By grandiel 3:13 PM smith Do not Despair, That Goodness Is Still Always There Life is not easy, we certainly understand this very well. Lately everything becomes more difficult, even to meet the basic needs we have to ...
By grandiel 3:12 PM smith Articles About Motivation: The Best Motivator Is Yourself The Inspirational Story of Life is based on this Real Story coming from Japan. The teacher is able to sense that the time of life in the wor...
By grandiel 3:09 PM smith The Story of Incomplete Motivators In this world a lot of people who complain with the life they live, many are not grateful with what he has. Many people who already have a c...
By grandiel 3:07 PM edukasi keep you busy His career is so brilliant, at the age of not even 30, he has become a marketing manager in his office. Not the usual manager, because the a...
By grandiel Monday, November 20, 2017 edukasi Do not be Afraid to Be a Teacher Teachers and Lecturers' Laws invite us to believe that the qualification program, certification, and provision of some benefits for teac...
By grandiel 9:02 PM edukasi Understanding & Helping Students Who LessPD CASE DESCRIPTION Lia (not her real name) is a first grader of Salatiga Favorite High School who just up grade II. He came from a fairly soci...
By grandiel 8:59 PM edukasi Human Development Theory In the discussion of the soul (anima) is known that humans have perfection than other creatures. Humans in life experience changes both phys...
By grandiel 8:53 PM edukasi Theory of Nativism Nativism comes from the word Nativus which means birth. This theory emerged from the philosophy of nativisma (born) as a form of idealism ph...
By grandiel 8:51 PM kramat Intelligence and IQ According to David Wechsler, intelligence is the ability to act directed, think rationally, and face the environment effectively. In general...
By grandiel 8:49 PM kramat Multiple Intelligence The concept of intelligence that until now is known is derived from AlfersBinet. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems or create pro...