


Benefits of Apple for the Body

    After attending the seminar, I passed the fruit market again crowded visitors, I was interested to see up close, click amazed my heart so see a row of display of fresh fruits ready to buy consumers.

    My gaze was on the apple that was light green and there was a dark red. It's fun, too, if I think about it. It does not feel this hand has been inserted in the basket. So deh I bought an apple for me to eat with my family, coincidentally my first child Nabila Jihan Pradipta the grade 2 elementary school is again hot in pain until the lips and gums sick.

What exactly are the benefits of Apple?

    Apples contain many vitamins, minerals and other elements such as fitokimian, fiber, tannin, baron, tartar acid, and others. It is this substance that is very important for our body to prevent and cope with various diseases. To the next, will be discussed about what is contained in the apple? And what are the benefits of apples?

Rich in vitamins Apple apples are rich in vitamins. Some of the vitamins contained in apples such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C.
1.    Rich in minerals Apple contains many minerals. Minerals in apples include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc.
2.    Phytochemicals: Apple also contains phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are antioxidants to fight free radicals from pollution or the environment. This substance also serves to suppress the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) that can cause blockage of blood vessels.
3.    Rich in Fiber, Apples are rich in fiber, so good for people who are on a diet program. This is due to the high fiber that prevents hunger coming faster.
4.    Fiber to reduce fat and cholesterol, Apple contains fiber that is useful to bind fat and bad cholesterol in the body to be removed.
5.    Tanin: Apple also has tannin content. Tanin is a substance that works to clean and refresh the mouth, so it can prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
6.    Baron, Inside the apple there is a baron. What is a baron? Baron serves to maintain the amount of estrogen in a woman's body.
7.    Flavoid: One of the content of apples is good to prevent disease is flavoid. Flavoid is a substance that serves to reduce the risk of cancer.
8.    D-glucaric acid: What is D-glucaric acid? D-glucaric acid is a substance that can lower cholesterol levels. D-glucaric acid is also present in apples.
9.    Quercetin, Quercetin is a substance that is needed to increase levels of antioxidants so that the body feels healthier and prevent various diseases. Apple contains quercetin.
10.    Tartar acid: Inside an apple there is also tartar acid. Tartar acid that can nourish the digestive tract, because this substance is able to kill bacteria in the digestive tract.

Because of the many elements of health that can be utilized from apples then of course we can try to consume one apple every day. Good luck.

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